Thursday, September 13, 2012

hip slip

k so the past three days have been a little scary, I was having trouble getting the potency of my pills right I was diluting with waay to much oil so I wasn't getting the full amount and the inflammation flared in my hips and my right hip slipped. I was in the tub when it happened i felt it but I thought it was sliding in cause I was laying in the bottom of the tub and I stuck my foot up to the falling water and felt it go inward not outward so I thought cool it's working on the inflammation. and the way the nueropathy works is that it slowly starts and the little warnings started coming with every step and getting more and more intense and painful. thankfully I made a good batch after three days of barely ne thing so I can report the pills shorten the pulled time. usually if it pinches it stays pinched for at least a week and then all of a sudden the pain intensity would dull and then it would take a cpl weeks for the irritating twinges to stop. I have went from thinking oh shit and crying because I thought well this isn't going to work I cannot take the hip pain it literally will drive me insane. I told my husband I was going to look into getting some sort of pin or hip surgery to deaden the sciatica or go back on the prednisone. There is no compromise when it comes to the hip pain I just flat out cannot take it and would do anything to escape the pain. One day after taking the right amount of my "meds" it slipped back in and I'm already at the annoying twinges stage. I'm so relieved :)

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