Tuesday, October 9, 2012


I'm so tired I am barely functioning, I manage to clean my house once a day but even that's a struggle right now I'm exhausted. I take my pills and my vitamins and my pain is well under control and managed and if I wasn't so damn tired I'd be so much more grateful, my right shoulder was healing pretty good and feeling tons better but I carried in like three bags of heavy groceries not thinking yesterday ad it hurts again today every time I sneeze it feels like I'm throwing out a rib. I'm still struggling with the right combination of heat and oil any ways and this latest batch takes six to do what two of a batch I made a cpl weeks ago did. I'm thinking this little bean is here to stay though no blood at all no spotting and best of all I haven't pulled my hip :). I simply cannot tell you how amazing it is to be off all these damn drugs and still be walking unassisted it's been years and years since I haven't needed anything. I remember using a cane before when I wasn't on meds and I have no need of it. My hips can be slightly stiff and slightly painful but it's nothing compared to what I am used to so I'm very thankful for that I think the pain is a bad stress on my body and makes it harder for me to carry a baby. Kiddo's refuse to let me take a nap the second my head hits a pillow I hear "mommy can I have. . . .can you get me. .. .etc.etc" I have had to remove junk food totally from their diets as they have begun to refuse anything that isn't junk food. 

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