I love how the x ray is printed some of the words like very mild and minimal, then you start looking up the big words behind it. . . . . . .bilateral sacroilitis, levoscolisosis, degenerative facet changes, and marginal osteophyte formation. . . .. . .I'm a little irritated as again the nurse says, "we think you have some sort of spondyloartropathy" . . . .umm OKAAAYYYY and then after looking at my x rays and discussing whether or not a c section is safe and being forced to actually do her job and look into my x-ray she has the nerve to tell me to keep my head up that there is still a treatment option available . . . remicaid infusions and that not all cases are as "severe" as mine. . . . .Way to confuse the crap outta your patient treat me as though I'm mostly normal just maybe have something and then tell me your sorry it's so severe.
The words in that big mess that really messed me up are the ones that said it was normal wear and tear for any person over sixty!? and how the hell can you call any new bone growth minimal? that's what osteophyte formation is thickening of bone and narrowing of disc space.. . . . . I suppose when you ask for the damage report be prepared for the horns. . . . . There is good news in here though while it is on its way most definitely, there is no fusion yet and I am grateful and thankful for that, most of the damage is in my L-3- my S-I joints which is my hips and with osteo I'm not sure if I should ask for a c- section I don't know if it is going to cause more problems. The nurse only stated that it isn't supposed to interfere with a baby, umm okay awesome what about interfering with me? am I at a greater risk for breaking something? should I do it? She gave me the print out and told me to give it to the O.B. alrighty then.
I was also offered low dose prednisone to begin immediately or sulfasalazene both safe during pregnancy bla bla bla, I was honest told her what I was on told her how much more of a relief I was feeling before I got pregnant and then she suggested remicaid. I don't feel like she heard me or understood any of my fears but at least I know the damage and sort of understand the risk and will talk to the ob today and see their take on it. I'm not looking a gift horse in the mouth there is no fusions yet and for that I'm grateful and thankful and excited at the idea of having a safe labor. I can't wait to see my baby and to begin to feel no guilt for the type of meds I am choosing. although I'm sure she could lose her job if her boss found out but the nurse who took my weight and meds when I told her I was on weed pills against doctor's order's but I thought it was better . . .she smiled and said of course it's against. Felt good to have a little secret to know that someone wasn't judging me for it
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